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  • Out-of-Stock
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Pipe Smoker Fisherman

(tax incl.) plus shipping and handling Delivery Time:* 3-5 days

There - he caught a big fish in his net! This little pipe smoker looks proudly at his catch, which he has brought ashore with his new fishing rod ... This incense smoking figure is lovingly handcrafted in our wood art workshop in Grünhainichen. It is a certified original from the Erzgebirge and full of charming details. So, every pipe smoker has ist own personal mark on its pipe that provides information about its character. In this way, each character encourages people to collect and tell stories.

Delivery Time: Out-of-Stock


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A long, long time ago, when the forests were much larger and the towns were much smaller, there were not only moss men and root dwarfs but also the people of the "little pipe smokers" in the Erzgebirge region. They are called like this because they always had a little pipe with them, from which they did not smoke tobacco, but a mixture of fragrant herbs, the smell of which was peaceful and spread a sense of wellbeing. Even today they gratefully smoke every kind of incense that is offered to them - according to your taste. The upper body of the figure can be removed from the legs so that a standard incense cone can be placed on the small metal plate inside. After putting on the top, the figure smokes out of its mouth. (Do not leave unattended, not a toy.)